Recognition and Equation of Qualification

Recognition and Equation of Qualification ) which come into force in 1983 after it was rectified by 23 African states Kenya included. The convention was revised in 2014 ( ) and this is what the African states are supposed to implements.

In order to implement the convention member states are required to documents qualifications in their education system and establish qualifications framework which classify qualifications in levels according to the level of complexity of knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by learners. Kenya has made a big stride in the process by establishing the Kenya National Qualification Framework (KNQF) in 2014 which form the basis of recognizing qualifications from member state and the rest of the world. The KNQF has ten (10) levels shown;

Source: Sessional paper No. 1 of 2019

The diagram shows the qualifications level in Kenya and progression pathways. The implications of the framework to a learner include;

i. A local qualification awarding institution can only award qualifications levels shown above after a success full training and assessment;

ii. A local qualification cannot be recognized if the progression is not as prescribed by the framework. Therefore, a Bachelor degree awarded after progression from craft certificate cannot be recognized in Kenya; and

iii. A foreign qualification will be equated into any of the ten levels after evaluation.

Kenya National Qualifications Authority is mandated by law to recognize foreign and local qualifications.

Benefits of seeking recognition of foreign qualification

The process of recognizing or equating a foreign qualification is basically determining the position of the qualification on qualification framework and equating it to a similar local qualification. It help in the integration of skilled immigrant or returning citizen into the local labor force. The learner is able to access higher learning or register with professional bodies or association.

Criteria for recognition of foreign qualification

These criteria are prescribed by the UNESCO convention on recognition of qualifications 2014:

i. A qualification must have been awarded by a recognized body or agency;

ii. Learner must have met minimum admission requirement if she/he were to train for the same qualification in Kenya; and

iii. The volume or length of learning must be comparable to volume or length of learning in a similar qualification in Kenya.

It is therefore important for a learner to confirm the registration status of the training institution and the agency awarding the qualification if the two are different before enrolling for a course. It is also important for a learner to ascertain what purpose a qualification serve before enrolling because most likely the qualification will serve the same purpose in another country. The purpose may include further training, admission to junior, secondary, senior secondary, tertiary colleges or university, entry into job market as semi-skilled, skilled labor force or as a professional graduate. A qualification may have one or more purpose.

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